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Christian Durupt
Christian Durupt
Set of 4 chairs, c. 1950/60
Maison Regain
Maison Regain
Modular sofa / set of 3 armchairs, c. 1960
Jean Burkhalter
Jean Burkhalter
Pair of armchairs SOLD
Henry Jacques Le Même
Henry Jacques Le Même
Set of 4 chairs, circa 1950
George Candilis
George Candilis
Set of 4 chairs, circa 1950
Michel Chauvet
Michel Chauvet
Stool, 1962 SOLD
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist
Pair of armchairs, c.1960
Pierre Paulin
Pierre Paulin
Desk chair, c. 1950 SOLD
image of Jean-Jacques Erny armchair
Jean-Jacques Erny
Armchair, c. 1970
image of Three seaters, c. 1970
Jean-Jacques Erny
Three seaters, c. 1970
Francis Jourdain (in the style of) chair c.1950
Francis Jourdain (in the style of)
Chair, c.1950
Attributed to Jean-Michel Frank
Attributed to Jean-Michel Frank
Chair, c.1930
Studio Giancarlo Valle
Studio Giancarlo Valle
Cage armchair, 2021 SOLD
Robert & Roger Thibier
Robert & Roger Thibier
Sofa, circa 1980
Pierre Paulin
Pierre Paulin
CM196 chair, c. 1950
Raoul Guys
Raoul Guys
Pair of chairs, circa 1950
Paul Ludick
Paul Ludick
Apartheid Chair, 1985
Michele Oka Doner
Michele Oka Doner
Terrible Chair, 1990
Laura Johnson Drake
Laura Johnson Drake
Chair, 1985
Sylvain Contini
Sylvain Contini
Sculptural armchair, circa 1960
Dominique Zimbacca
Dominique Zimbacca
Unique sculptural table, circa 1965
Michel Chauvet
Michel Chauvet
"Poisson" sculptural desk, 1956 SOLD
René Herbst
René Herbst
Desk, circa 1930
Edgard Pillet
Edgard Pillet
Desk, circa 1956
Georges Jouve
Georges Jouve
"Baguette" coffee table, c.1950
Roger Capron
Roger Capron
Coffee table, c. 1960
Anne Barrès
Anne Barrès
Coffee table, circa 1960
Jacques Avoinet
Jacques Avoinet
Set of 4 ceramic coffee tables, circa 1960 SOLD
Juliette Derel
Juliette Derel
Side Table, c.2000
Alice Colonieu (1924-2010)
Alice Colonieu (1924-2010)
Coffee table, c.1960
Les 2 Potiers
Les 2 Potiers
Side table, c.1960 SOLD
Jean Derval (1925-2010)
Jean Derval (1925-2010)
Coffee table, c.1960
Paul Becker
Paul Becker
Coffee table, circa 1970
image of Pierre Lèbe coffee table
Pierre Lèbe
Coffee table, circa 1960 SOLD
image of Maison Regain coffee table
Maison Regain
Coffee table, c.1970
Maison Regain
Maison Regain
Dining table, c. 1960
Odile Noll
Odile Noll
Side table/stool, circa 1960 SOLD
Pierre Petit
Pierre Petit
Desk, c.1940
image of Alain Marcoz desk
Alain Marcoz
Desk, c.1970
image of Desk Provenance: Reuil Malmaison, c. 1960
Alain Marcoz
Desk Provenance: Reuil Malmaison, c. 1960
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist
Console, c. 1950
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist
Table, c.1960
Henry Jacques Le Même
Henry Jacques Le Même
Table, circa 1950
Henry Jacques Le Même
Henry Jacques Le Même
Table, circa 1950
Jacques Dumond
Jacques Dumond
Center table, circa 1930 SOLD
Louis Cane
Louis Cane
"Table basse aux roues" coffee table, 1990
François Morellet
François Morellet
"Déstabilisation No 1" table, circa 1991
Attributed to René Herbst
Attributed to René Herbst
Table, circa 1930
Ado Chale
Ado Chale
"Les Monts de Venus" coffee table SOLD
Caroline Lee
Caroline Lee
"La faiseuse d'amour" sculptural dining table
image of Coffee table, circa 1970
Luiza Miller
Coffee table, circa 1970
image of Coffee table, circa 1970
Pia Manu
Coffee table, circa 1970
image of Circular coffee table, circa 1970
Pia Manu
Circular coffee table, circa 1970
image of Albert Feraud coffee table
Albert Feraud
Coffee table, circa 1970
Gérard Mannoni
Gérard Mannoni
Sculptural coffee table, 1973
Italian 1950
Italian 1950
Coffee/Side Table, circa 1950
Rafael Barrios
Rafael Barrios
Mesa table, 1980
image of ceramic coffee table
French 1960
Ceramic coffee table, circa 1960 SOLD
Fred Brouard
Fred Brouard
Coffee table, 1988
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist
Desk, 1940
Clémentine Dupré
Clémentine Dupré
Side table, 2021
Jean-Louis Chaneac
Jean-Louis Chaneac
Unique tubular sideboard, circa 1970
André Sornay
André Sornay
Sideboard, circa 1950
Maison Regain
Maison Regain
Sideboard, circa 1980
Maison Regain
Maison Regain
Sideboard, circa 1960 SOLD
Maison Regain
Maison Regain
Sideboard, circa 1960
Brutalist cabinet
Marcel Gascoin
Marcel Gascoin
Sideboard, circa 1950
Bernard Marange
Bernard Marange
Sideboard, circa 1965 SOLD
Sideboard, circa 1960
Chest of drawers, circa 1920
Attributed to Henry Jacques Le Meme
Attributed to Henry Jacques Le Meme
Shelf, c. 1950 (4 available)
Marta Pan
Marta Pan
Sculpture, 1960 SOLD
Les 2 Potiers
Les 2 Potiers
Sculpture, circa 1960 SOLD
Rémi Bonhert
Rémi Bonhert
Vase, circa 1966 SOLD
Jean Amado
Jean Amado
Ceramic pitcher with lid SOLD
Hildegund / Rémi Schlichenmaier / Bonhert vase
Hildegund / Rémi Schlichenmaier / Bonhert
Vase, c.1960 SOLD
Joëlle Deroubaix
Joëlle Deroubaix
Large Sculpture, circa 1970
Joëlle Deroubaix
Joëlle Deroubaix
Large sculpture, circa 1970
Jacqueline Lerat
Jacqueline Lerat
Vase, circa 1980 SOLD
Jean and Jacqueline Lerat
Jean and Jacqueline Lerat
Vase, circa 1970 SOLD
Elisabeth Joulia
Elisabeth Joulia
Large table lamp, circa 1972
Gilbert Valentin/Les Archanges
Gilbert Valentin/Les Archanges
Pitcher, circa 1950 SOLD
Gilbert Valentin/Les Archanges
Gilbert Valentin/Les Archanges
Vase, circa 1960
Peter Orlando
Peter Orlando
Vase, c. 1960 SOLD
Robert and Jean Cloutier
Robert and Jean Cloutier
Pitcher, circa 1960
Alain Maunier
Alain Maunier
Vase, c. 1960
Jacques Innocenti
Jacques Innocenti
Vase, circa 1950 SOLD
Juliette Derel and Jean Rivier
Juliette Derel and Jean Rivier
Larger ceramic bowl, 1950 SOLD
Andre-Aleth Masson
Andre-Aleth Masson
Ceramic bowl, circa 1955-60 SOLD
Les Argonautes
Les Argonautes
Vase, c.1960
Juliette Derel
Juliette Derel
Ceramic mirror, circa 1960 SOLD
Juliette Derel
Juliette Derel
Ceramic mirror, circa 1960 SOLD
Roger Capron
Roger Capron
"Coq" table lamp, circa 1960
Roger Capron
Roger Capron
Table lamp, circa 1950-60 SOLD
Roger Capron
Roger Capron
Ceramic vase, circa 1960 SOLD
Roger Capron
Roger Capron
Vase, circa 1950 SOLD
Roger Capron
Roger Capron
"Vase a oreille" vase, c.1960
Roger Capron
Roger Capron
Vase, circa 1960 SOLD
Pouchain/Atelier Dieu Le Fit
Pouchain/Atelier Dieu Le Fit
Table lamp, circa 1960 SOLD
Juliette Derel
Juliette Derel
Ceramic table lamp, circa 1950
Juliette Derel
Juliette Derel
Ceramic ceiling lamp, circa 1960 SOLD
Juliette Derel
Juliette Derel
Large ceramic vase, circa 2005 SOLD
Juliette Derel
Juliette Derel
Ceramic sconce, circa 1960 SOLD
image of Ceramic sculpture, c. 2008
Annie Fourmanoir
Ceramic sculpture, c. 2008
Claude & Jean Bersoux
Claude & Jean Bersoux
Table lamp, circa 1960
Guy Bareff
Guy Bareff
Ceramic table lamp, circa 1960 SOLD
L.Y. Bonnet
L.Y. Bonnet
Ceramic table lamp, circa 1971 SOLD
Marius Bessone
Marius Bessone
Table lamp, circa 1960
Jean Besnard
Jean Besnard
Table lamp, circa 1935 SOLD
Robert Picault
Robert Picault
Table. lamp, c. 1960
Jacques Blin
Jacques Blin
Pitcher, c. 1960
Gilbert Valentin/Les Archanges
Gilbert Valentin/Les Archanges
Table lamp, 1960 SOLD
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist
Table lamp, circa 1950-60
Mathieu Mategot
Mathieu Mategot
Table lamp, circa 1953 SOLD
André Dallioux
André Dallioux
Hermès table lamp, 1930 SOLD
Marius Bessone
Marius Bessone
Ceramic table lamp, 1960 SOLD
Marius Bessone
Marius Bessone
Table lamp, c.1960
Les 2 Potiers
Les 2 Potiers
Table lamp, c.1960 SOLD
Georges Pelletier (1938-)
Georges Pelletier (1938-)
Table lamp, c.1960 SOLD
Georges Pelletier (1938-)
Georges Pelletier (1938-)
Table lamp, c. 1960 SOLD
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist
Table lamp, c.1960
Les Argonautes table lamps
Les Argonautes
Table lamp, c.1960
Alicia Penalba
Alicia Penalba
"Altar" sculpture, circa 1960 SOLD
Antoine Poncet
Antoine Poncet
Sculpture, circa 1970
Rosalda Gilardi
Rosalda Gilardi
"Airone N 2" sculpture, circa 1977
Parvine Curie
Parvine Curie
"Banyan" sculpture, c.1981-82
Robert Jacobsen
Robert Jacobsen
"Marama" sculpture, 1960 SOLD
Boris Anastassievitch
Boris Anastassievitch
Sculpture, circa 1970 SOLD
Algae Liberaki
Algae Liberaki
Sculpture, circa 1964
Algae Liberaki
Algae Liberaki
"Composition" sculpture, 1968
Algae Liberaki
Algae Liberaki
Sculpture, circa 1960
Michel Chauvet
Michel Chauvet
"L'oiseau attentif" sculpture, circa 1958 SOLD
Anne Barrès
Anne Barrès
Porcelain sculpture, circa 1970 SOLD
Michel Anasse
Michel Anasse
"Relation Humaine" sculpture, circa 1954 SOLD
Michel Anasse
Michel Anasse
"Rythmique" sculpture, circa 1969-71 SOLD
Albert Feraud
Albert Feraud
Sculpture, circa 1968
Julio Le Parc
Julio Le Parc
"Continuel Lumière mobile n.23" Kinetic sculpture, circa 1968
François Colette
François Colette
Kinetic sculpture, circa 1970
Albert Feraud
Albert Feraud
Sculpture, circa 1970
André Bloc
André Bloc
Sculpture, circa 1955 SOLD
Norman Campbell
Norman Campbell
Cross, 1989 SOLD
Edgard Pillet
Edgard Pillet
Wall sculpture, circa 1950 SOLD
Roger Desserprit
Roger Desserprit
Wall sculpture, 1957 SOLD
In the style of Roger Desserprit
In the style of Roger Desserprit
Wall sculpture, circa 1970 SOLD
Attributed to Jean Arp
Attributed to Jean Arp
Wall sculpture, c.1950
Albert Vallet
Albert Vallet
Wall sculpture, circa 1960
Jean Amado
Jean Amado
Ceramic mural, 1960 SOLD
Michel Pinel
Michel Pinel
Sculpture, circa 1962 SOLD
Momcilo Milovanovic
Momcilo Milovanovic
Sculpture, circa 1970
Paul de Ghellinck
Paul de Ghellinck
Sculpture, 1976 SOLD
Maison Regain
Maison Regain
Coatrack, c.1960
Mathieu Mategot
Mathieu Mategot
Cart, c.1950
Michel Jaubert
Michel Jaubert
Box, circa 1960 SOLD
Jany Blazy
Jany Blazy
Box with lid SOLD
Jany Blazy
Jany Blazy
Large box, circa 1970 SOLD
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist
Box, circa 1960
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist
Box, 1970 SOLD
image of Ilina Horning tapstry
Ilina Horning
Tapestry, c. 1970
Ilina Horning
Ilina Horning
Tapestry, circa 1970
Ilina Horning
Ilina Horning
Tapestry, circa 1970
Ilina Horning
Ilina Horning
Tapestry, circa 1970
Ilina Horning
Ilina Horning
Tapestry, circa 1970
Ilina Horning
Ilina Horning
Tapestry, circa 1970
Ilina Horning
Ilina Horning
"Narrabri" tapestry, circa 1970 SOLD
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist
Marquetry mirror, circa 1940
Mathieu Mategot
Mathieu Mategot
Mirror, c.1950 SOLD
Marcel Asselbur
Marcel Asselbur
Mirror, circa 1950 SOLD
Jean Derval
Jean Derval
Mirror, circa 1960 SOLD
Les Argonautes
Les Argonautes
Mirror, circa 1950
Jany Blazy
Jany Blazy
Mirror, circa 1970
Jany Blazy
Jany Blazy
Mirror, circa 1970
GE BA, Art Brut, composition of recycled fabrics and rice glue, c. 1950
Art Brut, composition of recycled fabrics and rice glue, c. 1950 SOLD
André Jean Doucin
André Jean Doucin
Table lamp, circa 1970 SOLD
GE BA, Art Brut, composition of recycled fabrics and rice glue, c. 1950
Art Brut, composition of recycled fabrics and rice glue, c. 1950 SOLD
Félix Aublet
Félix Aublet
Table lamp, circa 1930 SOLD
French 1960/70
French 1960/70
Brutalist table lamp
Max Ingrand/Fontana Arte
Max Ingrand/Fontana Arte
Floor lamp, circa 1960 SOLD
Sylvain Contini
Sylvain Contini
Floor lamp, circa 1970
Robert Mathieu
Robert Mathieu
Floor lamp, circa 1950
Michel Buffet
Michel Buffet
Floor lamp, circa 1950 SOLD
Michel Buffet
Michel Buffet
Floor lamp, circa 1950 SOLD
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist
Floor lamp, circa 1940
Floor lamp, c. 1960
Felix Agostini
Felix Agostini
Floor lamp, circa 1960 SOLD
Sylvain Contini
Sylvain Contini
Ceiling lamp, circa 1970
Sido & François Thevenin
Sido & François Thevenin
Ceiling lamp, circa 1970
Michel Kiriliuk
Michel Kiriliuk
Sculptural ceiling lamp, circa 1975-80
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist
Ceiling lamp, circa 1950 SOLD
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist
Ceiling lamp, circa 1960 SOLD
Bernard-Albin Gras
Bernard-Albin Gras
Clamp desk lamp, circa 1950
R. Fabry
R. Fabry
Pitcher, c.1960
Les 2 Potiers
Les 2 Potiers
Pot with lid, c.1959
Roger Herman
Roger Herman
Vase, 2021
Roger Herman
Roger Herman
Pia Manu
Pia Manu
Richard Snyder
Richard Snyder
Sarong cabinet
Robert Mathieu
Robert Mathieu
Sconce, circa 1950
Wall sconce, circa 1950
Marc Chalier
Marc Chalier
"La Rampe Chalier" sconce, circa 1925 SOLD
Mask, c. 1960
Jaque Sagan
Jaque Sagan
Mask, circa 1950 SOLD
Roger Capron
Roger Capron
Mask, circa 1950
Roger Capron
Roger Capron
Mask, circa 1960 SOLD
Vivianna Torun Bülow- Hübe
Vivianna Torun Bülow- Hübe
Necklace, circa 1970
François Morellet
François Morellet
"Trame Disques quadrillés argentés" necklace, circa 1967
Albert Feraud
Albert Feraud
Pendant, circa 1970
Vivianna Torun Bülow- Hübe
Vivianna Torun Bülow- Hübe
Bracelet, circa 1970 SOLD
Anna Stein
Anna Stein
Cuff, circa 1970
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Necklace, circa 1970
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Necklace, circa 1970
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Bracelet, circa 1970
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Bracelet, circa 1970
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Bracelet, circa 1970 SOLD
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Bracelet, circa 1970 SOLD
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Brooch, circa 1970
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Brooch, circa 1970
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Pair of earrings, circa 1970
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Jean-Claude Bonillo
Ring, circa 1970
Vera Cardot
Vera Cardot
"Soleil Rouge" painting, 1971 SOLD
Roger Desserprit
Roger Desserprit
Composition, circa 1970
Bernard Dufour
Bernard Dufour
Painting "Composition 1956", circa 1956 SOLD
January 19 – 23, 2022
The Salon Art+Design
The Salon Art+Design
November 11 – 15, 2021
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